Parks Commission April Meeting
The Parks Commission met Wednesday morning and voted to recommend a location for the pavilion in Riverside Park.
We had a full agenda for Wednesday’s meeting, including two park event applications, multiple proposed park projects, and a decision on the Riverside Park pavilion location.
Park Events
Shakespeare By the Falls (August 12 & 13) and the Chagrin Documentary Film Fest (October 3 - 8) will both return this year. The film fest requested the option to screen documentaries in Triangle Park if Riverside is inaccessible due to the the Main Street Bridge project. The commission voted to recommend both events to council.
Little Free Library in Whitesburg
Chagrin Falls resident Allison Siegel has requested to install a Little Free Library in Whitesburg Nature Preserve in memory of Alex Chavez. Some concerns were raised about the possibility of damage from vandalism and/or weather in such a remote location, but we agreed that the risks were minor and the worst-case scenario would only be having to replace or remove it. The commission voted in favor of recommending it to village council.