Parks Commission April Meeting

The Parks Commission met Wednesday morning and voted to recommend a location for the pavilion in Riverside Park.

We had a full agenda for Wednesday’s meeting, including two park event applications, multiple proposed park projects, and a decision on the Riverside Park pavilion location.

Park Events

Shakespeare By the Falls (August 12 & 13) and the Chagrin Documentary Film Fest (October 3 - 8) will both return this year. The film fest requested the option to screen documentaries in Triangle Park if Riverside is inaccessible due to the the Main Street Bridge project. The commission voted to recommend both events to council.

Little Free Library in Whitesburg

Chagrin Falls resident Allison Siegel has requested to install a Little Free Library in Whitesburg Nature Preserve in memory of Alex Chavez. Some concerns were raised about the possibility of damage from vandalism and/or weather in such a remote location, but we agreed that the risks were minor and the worst-case scenario would only be having to replace or remove it. The commission voted in favor of recommending it to village council.

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Parks Commission March Meeting

The Parks Commission met on Wednesday. On the agenda were three new park even applications, a proposal with four options for the shelter in Riverside Park, continuing discussion of a master plan for village parks, and a request for artificial turf in River Run Dog Park.

Park Events

We reviewed three park event applications and passed each without much discussion, as they are all familiar annual events. The Chagrin Valley Jaycees will hold the Blossom Time Festival from May 24 – 28 in Riverside Park. Chagrin Yoga is once again offering Yoga By the Falls in Triangle Park from 9:00 – 10:00am on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in June, July, and August. And the Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce will host the Simple Summer Concert Series in Triangle Park from 6:00 – 8:00pm on Thursday nights from June 15 – August 10.

Skating Shelter

If you’ve been in Riverside Park lately you might have noticed that the shelter is fenced off. In early August it was determined to be unstable and unsafe for use. The village administration has been working with contractors and currently has one proposal with three options ranging from a rehabilitation of the current structure to a complete rebuild with the addition of a brick floor and wood-shingled roof.

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Parks Commission Special February Meeting

The Parks Commission held a special meeting to consider a park event application from Valley Art Center.

Valley Art Center proposed a public art installation in Riverside Park from World Art Day to Earth Day (April 15 - 22, 2023). The project – by Cleveland artist Ron Shelton – will be comprised of recycled material installed on the chain link fence overlooking the waterfall.

The plan also calls for the installation to continue on to and up the large sycamore tree. Chairwoman Anne deConingh and I were not in favor of this aspect of the project and preferred that the artist use the nearby lamp post instead, but others Commission members were less concerned. Representatives from the village administration and services department had no objections, based on the fact that the art will be attached with picture wire (no nails or screws) and only remain for one week. I asked that the village inspect and sign off on the installation once it was complete, and the commission voted unanimously to recommend the event to village council at our next meeting.

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