Archive of everything with tag “park-events”

Parks Commission September Meeting

The Parks Commission met Wednesday morning to talk geese, surveys, pickleball, and weeds.

Food Trucks by the Falls

The Jaycees plan to return to Triangle Park and North Franklin Street for Food Trucks by the Falls on September 28 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. For the last few years this event has been held on the day of the Community Yard Sale, and the Parks Commission voted to recommend it again to Council which I will do on September 9th.

Strategic Plan Updates

Parks Commission Special February Meeting

The Parks Commission held a special meeting to consider a park event application from Valley Art Center.

Valley Art Center proposed a public art installation in Riverside Park from World Art Day to Earth Day (April 15 - 22, 2023). The project – by Cleveland artist Ron Shelton – will be comprised of recycled material installed on the chain link fence overlooking the waterfall.

The plan also calls for the installation to continue on to and up the large sycamore tree. Chairwoman Anne deConingh and I were not in favor of this aspect of the project and preferred that the artist use the nearby lamp post instead, but others Commission members were less concerned. Representatives from the village administration and services department had no objections, based on the fact that the art will be attached with picture wire (no nails or screws) and only remain for one week. I asked that the village inspect and sign off on the installation once it was complete, and the commission voted unanimously to recommend the event to village council at our next meeting.