I’m a member of Village Council in Chagin Falls, Ohio. I serve as chairman of the Safety Committee, a member of the Facilities & Services Committee, and council representative to the Parks Commission.

This is where I write about the business at Village meetings and community topics of interest. From time to time I may post links to this site on other social media, but primarily I write here and typically do not respond to comments elsewhere.

Thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own and may or may not reflect the position of the Village of Chagrin Falls, Council as a whole, or any other individual Council members. They may not even reflect my current thinking on a subject, as sometimes I change my mind as new information comes to light.

I’m always happy to hear from Village residents and other interested parties, so please feel free to get in touch at brian.drum@chagrin-falls.org or email all of Council at council@chagrin-falls.org.