Archive of everything with tag “riverside-pavilion”

Parks Commission August Meeting

The Parks Commission met Wednesday morning to follow up on a variety of old business.

Park Events

The commission voted to recommend the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival request to use Triangle Park as in past years.

Geese in Riverside Park

…are still a problem. Rob says the village is looking into services to deal with them.

Parks Commission Special October Meeting

The Parks Commission met Tuesday morning in Riverside Park and walked the park to review potential locations for a new pavilion.

After a few stops and a lot of discussion, we settled on a site near the east end of the park with a great view of the entire park. I like it because it hits almost every point on my wish list:

  • It’s clearly visible from almost anywhere in the park
  • It’s not too close to the homes on Orange Street
  • It can be connected to the existing brick path path
  • It should have minimal impact on the Blossom Time festival

We agreed that the pavilion should be large enough to accommodate four picnic tables, two of which should be wheelchair accessible. Using an estimate of the table dimensions and recommended spacing, we think the structure will be roughly 21 × 21 feet.