Parks Commission February Meeting

The Parks Commission met Wednesday and reviewed a lot of park event applications, caught up on business in Riverside and Grove Hill Parks, and heard a proposal from Dogwood Valley Garden Club.


Anne Wombwell de Coningh was reelected chair, and the December meeting minutes were approved.

Park Event Applications

A year’s worth of Jaycees event applications were recommended to council, including the Easter Egg Hunt, Blossom Time, Trucks by the Falls, Oktubafest, Holiday Display, Lighting of the Greens, and Deck the Falls.

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Village Council Early January Meeting

Council held our first regular meeting of the year with a mix of new and old business, and some very good news for the village.

More Infrastructure Improvements Coming

The village has been awarded $3,500,000 for water and wastewater infrastructure as part of the Thomas R. Carper Water Resources Development Act of 2024, which was signed into law by President Biden on January 4, 2024. This money will go a long way towards repairing and replacing the remaining sections of our century-plus old stormwater and sanitary sewer infrastructure.


We passed almost everything on the legislative agenda with some discussion and minor revisions.

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Village Council 2025 Organizational Meeting

Village Council met Thursday night to elect leadership and representatives, and form our committees.

Council unanimously elected members to the following positions:

  • Angela DeBernardo as Council President
  • Nancy Rogoff as President Pro Tempore
  • Nancy Rogoff as representative to the Planning & Zoning Commission
  • Andrew Rockey as representative to the Board of Zoning Appeals

President DeBernardo made the following appointments:

Administration & Finance Committee

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