Safety Committee July Meeting
The Safety Committee met on July 10 to discuss parking restrictions on South Main Street. Members Erinn Grube, Don Gutierrez, and I were in attendance along with village CAO Rob Jamieson, Police Department Lt. Jason Weiskopf, and Council President Angie DeBernardo.
South Main Street Parking
The meeting was requested by the Police Department to discuss parking restrictions on South Main Street. South Main Street is a two-lane street and parking is allowed on most the western (southbound) side of the street. No parking is allowed on the eastern (northbound) side. Lt. Weiskopf explained that there have been seven documented crashes on South Main Street between 2019 and today. Parked vehicles were not contributing factors to those crashes. However, the department still believes that parked vehicles create a dangerous situation on certain stretches of the road where the slope makes it difficult for drivers to see oncoming traffic when attempting to pass a parked vehicle. They are not recommending a complete ban on parking on South Main Street – only specific areas and times of day when a parked vehicle is most likely to create a safety issue.