Archive of everything with tag “ben-king-arboretum”

Parks Commission October Meeting

The Parks Commission met Wednesday morning to review a couple of Jaycees events and hear updates on park projects, including yet another delay at Grove Hill.

Jaycees Events

The Chagrin Valley Jaycees plan once again to host Oktubafest on Saturday, October 26 in Triangle park. Deck the Falls will return on December 7 and 14 from 11:00 to 3:00. We voted to recommend both events and they will be presented to Council on October 14.

Riverside Playground

I again suggested that we add benches along the northeast side so there is somewhere to sit with sight lines of the play area for older kids. Rob Jamieson confirmed that those will be added to the budget for 2025. John Brockway mentioned that the turtle sculpture and an additional trash can will return to the east end as soon as a concrete pad can be poured, possibly this year but more likely next.

Parks Commission September Meeting

The Parks Commission met Wednesday morning to talk geese, surveys, pickleball, and weeds.

Food Trucks by the Falls

The Jaycees plan to return to Triangle Park and North Franklin Street for Food Trucks by the Falls on September 28 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. For the last few years this event has been held on the day of the Community Yard Sale, and the Parks Commission voted to recommend it again to Council which I will do on September 9th.

Strategic Plan Updates