What I'm Doing Now

There’s always a lot going on in the village, but I am currently focused on the following projects.

Grove Hill Park

Saved from destruction in May 2020 and donated to the village in July 2020, meaningful progress is long overdue on this pocket park at the corner of North Main and West Cottage Streets. I continue to work with the Grove Hill Park Commission to prepare a plan so we can move on to secure funding and make it a reality.

Mid-block and Bell & Main Street Crosswalks

As chair of the Safety Committee I am working with the village administration and engineering firm to improve safety at these areas where pedestrians and vehicle traffic frequently cross paths.

Chagrin Baseball Facilities

I’m also working to coordinate efforts between the village Service Department, Chagrin Athletic Association, and a group of residents wishing to honor some CAA alumni who were instrumental in the creation of the field at River Run to improve Chagrin’s baseball facilities at River Run and Founders Field.

/now page inspired by Derek Sivers.